He will lead You

God’s word has the ability to change you, to shape you, to lead you and guide you in the way that you should go. Remember you have a father who is mindful of you and wants you to go in the best part ways for your life. And the word of God is one primary way He leads us in the best part ways for our lives.

Guess what, no matter how big and beautiful you have planned your life, God has a bigger and more better plans for you. It’s okay to have plans, schedules for your life but stay in that place where it is okay for God to change your plans. Your response to God always should be “shepherd of my soul, I give you full control”. When we give God full control over our lives, He leads us in the way that we should go. Don’t become a perfectionist where it becomes difficult for God to change your plans. Plans are good, strategy, systems in place are beautiful but trust God with your life that it becomes okay for Him to change your plans.

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