The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you, Amen.
God unleashing His grace on us was never and will never be a result of our works. The start and end point is His love. From the old testament, every thing God did was a result of His love for mankind even when the first man, Adam sinned. The Bible clearly shows us that whilst we were yet sinners, we were loved. Focusing on God’s love for us, not our works is therefore the key to enjoying more and more grace – God’s kindness in every area of our lives.
Don’t try to merit God’s love. You are deserving, you are worthy of being loved, that’s why He sent Jesus in the first place. Focus on God’s love for you, treasure this love, thank Him for it, choose to see His love and kindness in all that you do and enjoy more of His grace in all areas.
God bless you!