He will Answer You

The reason God gave us His son is love, and the reason He will answer your prayers is Love, Not based on any qualification. What’s the greatest request you’ve ever asked, a car,a house, life, strength, whatever it is, is not as big as Him giving up his only son. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. Love drove Him to give. And love is the reason why He would answer your prayers. He says in His word, before you call i have answered, that’s the greatest deal ever. That before you made that utterance, He hears you. And that’s why most of our prayers should be in thanksgiving.

“Father I thank you for the supplied Grace in ministry. I thank you for sound health. I thank you for providing all I need. I thank you for multiplying the work of my hands”. Thanking him on and on for He already answers your prayers according to His will.
Whatever it is on your heart, go boldly to his presence and obtain mercy, for His mercies are new every morning. Believe that you shall receive because many times it is not about the asking but the revelation behind the request you made before the father, that he is your father and He hears you is more than enough to receive whatever you have asked for.


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